Pricing methodology in construction. Principles and methods of pricing in construction


Answers to questions on estimates, pricing reform, FSIS, resource method

In April of this year - as never before, a huge number of requests, letters, calls asking for clarification about WHAT is happening?

What kind of reform is this, such a budgetary matter, when everyone will need to retrain? When will the “ill-fated FSIS” finally start working, from which everyone wants to try to take prices for resource calculations? What about transport? What will happen to the FER-2017 and TER, TSN-Moscow and departmental databases? What are the new projects of MDS methods? What will happen instead of MDS 81-35.2004? About all this and of course the implementation in your favorite “Grand Estimate” today in a brief review following the results of the free seminar and on Estimator’s Day.

This time we held the event with the participation of a lecturer from the Grand Moscow State Conservatory, a leading specialist at the head training center of the Grand Group of Companies - Artyom Basov.

There were a lot of colleagues not only from Yaroslavl, but also from other regions. As promised, we gave everyone memorable gifts and will send out a newsletter based on the results of the seminar. It’s gratifying that colleagues come to us not only for paid seminars (from Moscow, Kostroma, Vologda and even Irkutsk!), but also free ones.

And there was something to tell and show... Expert review of legislative changes, transition to the resource method of calculation, how to use FSIS CA.

The draft of a new Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation, which should be approved to replace MDS 81-35.2004 - very important clarifications have been made specifically regarding the calculation of the cost of transporting material resources.

We looked at a specific example of how you can draw up a local estimate in " " based on the GESN collections from the regulatory framework as amended in 2017, and then take the estimated prices of resources posted in the FSIS, perform all the necessary actions with them and, as a result, obtain the final estimated cost using the resource method.

Employees of the company "Galaktika IT" - Sofya Kaznina, Anna Lebedeva - helped summarize and explain all this to the participants.

We also talked about how we can be useful. For example, about the specialists of our company, Follow the newsletter!

" " is an excellent product, the most common in the regions of Russia and the most requested one from us :) All innovations are introduced in this product and prompt modifications are made to suit changing legislation, calculation methods and other “ideas” of the Ministry of Construction. And we will be your guides and qualified consultants not only on the use of “Grand Estimate”, but also on all cost estimates. We offer to conclude licensing agreements.

We are grateful to those who registered for the seminar (they will receive a seminar summary and additional materials with answers to questions by email) and to all those who came.

Here are just some questions with answers


I would like to see an example of calculation using FSIS CA. How will this apply to regions where there is TEP. What will be the main thing: GESN, TER or FER when calculating objects in the budget?


Due to the fact that the FSIS CS still does not have the most important thing - prices, we can only offer you the option of an approximate calculation in the proposed materials based on the results (sent out to all participants). The main base for now will be the GESN base, because It is precisely this that is intended for resource calculations. There is an opinion that at the beginning they will use the GESN-2017 database, combining it with other departmental databases. In 2018 alone, according to Glavgosexpertiza, it is planned to develop 1,184 new estimate standards. It is planned to create a unified state estimate and regulatory framework based on the results of measures that provide for interaction between the Russian Ministry of Construction, the Moscow government and industry companies. This will allow us to take into account all the best that already exists in the federal, regional and industry-specific costing and regulatory frameworks.

An important point: until the estimated prices of construction resources are posted in the FSIS, all previously approved and current estimated standards can be applied!


When it is planned to switch to the resource method of calculating estimates, will manuals for this method be publicly available?


Unfortunately, it’s difficult to say what’s on the Ministry of Construction’s mind, but most likely everything is heading towards the fact that there will be one database that includes all industry and departmental collections, possibly territorial ones. According to the Ministry of Construction, the transition is planned for September 30, 2018. The truth is that these are just “statements” for now. There are no documents on this matter. As for benefits, the question is complex; most likely there will be a calculation option described in the methodology. In any case, we will keep our finger on the pulse and develop the necessary courses, manuals and explanations for our clients. Follow the newsletter! Because no one can block your emails ;)


Interested in all the new changes and additions. Reforming the pricing system in construction. Thank you


Follow the information on our website, we always publish the latest and hottest information. You can subscribe to the author's newsletter "", join closed group on Facebook, read our Telegram channel, or simply email your question. We will try to help and keep you informed.

The transition to the resource-based method of calculating the cost of construction work raises many questions among the construction community. Like any innovation, it requires a serious restructuring of habitual work patterns and the introduction of new concepts and tools. And while there are not all answers to all questionswhich causes concern among those who will soon work and live according to a new method. Or not to live.

You won't be able to sit back

As you know, back in 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution “On the reform of pricing in construction.” The transition of the calculation of the cost of construction work from the index-based to the resource method of calculation was proclaimed.

The need for changes was not in great doubt. The previous method took base prices as far back as 1985 and recalculated them using special indices. It is clear that much has changed dramatically in the country and industry and the previous methods of calculation do not correspond to market realities.

The transition to the resource method affects a huge segment of the construction market. All developers and suppliers of building materials who work on budget construction sites must use the new calculation method. State enterprises, regional and municipal orders, work under the capital repair fund, restoration of buildings and other objects... Many private enterprises also intend to pay contractors using the resource method. Therefore, few will be able to remain in their old positions.

There are more questions than answers

The difference between the resource method and the previous one is that here prices are based on actual costs. The question is where to get pricing information? For this purpose, reference books will be used, which need to be updated once a quarter. And here is the first serious problem: many projects that are being implemented today were awarded through tenders back in 2015, before the reform. And according to current legislation, they are paid at the prices that existed at the time the contract was concluded. Despite the fact that pricing on the market has changed, there is no talk of any recalculation of government contracts, and contractors are forced to cover losses from their own funds. It is not yet clear how to switch to current prices.

This is one of the issues discussed at the National Roofing Alliance convention. Companies are seriously concerned that many shortcomings remain in the system of using the resource method.

The cornerstone of the application of the resource method is the construction resource classifier (CRC). It is inconvenient to use, the classifier is being enlarged - the association believes that it is time to stop, because at one time 100 million rubles were allocated for its preparation, and the document has not yet adopted a single working form.

According to Anna Molchanova, Deputy Executive Director of the National Roofing Union, the situation is made worse by the fact that there is no uniform terminology in the industry. Especially for imported products and services that came to us from abroad. Everyone calls them differently. In addition, some materials have different technical characteristics than those indicated in the DAC. All this makes it difficult for designers and estimators to find the right products. Members of the union also have complaints about the rubricator - the search engine produces a huge amount of unnecessary information.

Many people are concerned about the problem with dealer prices and trading house prices. Manufacturers enter their selling price in the FSIS CA - but how do resellers get their margin? There is a conflict on the other flank: according to 44-FZ, the consumer is obliged to choose material at the minimum price from a supplier located nearby. The resource method involves the use of other criteria, which, as experts fear, opens up scope for abuse.

Anna Molchanova predicts that the transition to the resource method will force many small manufacturers of building materials and small construction firms to refuse to work in the FSIS CA. The state creates the rules of the game, develops the system, and wants to entrust its debugging to industrial associations. Thus, the Ministry of Construction openly states that it is not going to allocate funds for these purposes. Business reacts by leaving the public construction sector. And this will already have the most serious economic consequences for the entire industry. Dumping and the emergence of covens are possible on the part of contractors.

What is good for a German is death for a Russian

In connection with a change in the cost calculation method, roofers were faced with the question of developing prices for roofing work. The problem is how to do this? There is Soviet experience. Previously, there were special collections of ENiR that described the standards for the work being carried out. Of course, such documents require updating, but the approach itself seems appropriate to many.

Another option is to use foreign developments. In particular, purchase a German collection of similar standards and adapt it to local conditions. But, according to experts, this will not be easy to do, since the Germans and I have different labor intensity of work, different levels of remuneration, and different production cultures.

The discussion showed that there is no single approach to solving the pricing issue. However, the very need for such work exists, and as the President of the National Roofing Union believes Alexander Dadchenko, To compile normative collections, you only need a strong-willed decision.

Today, each market participant calculates its costs in its own way and often, wittingly or unwittingly, misleads the customer. And this, in turn, negatively affects the image of the entire industry, since many consumers of roofing services consider themselves to have been deceived. Of course, in market conditions there cannot be fixed prices. But a certain base, which will be a reference point for all market participants, must certainly be present.

The situation with pricing in the industry is difficult, I’m sure Irina Fedkina, Project Manager at Exclusive-Consulting. A large number of federal regulations contradict each other, making it very difficult to conduct business without violating any provision. The only gratifying thing is that the Ministry of Construction listens to business and makes adjustments to its developments.

World experience shows that a transparent pricing system gives an advantage to honest and conscientious contractors. Adjustment of the pricing policy is necessary, but it should not just change the pricing schemes, but encourage the market to develop qualitatively. According to a famous builder Efima Basina, the main mistake of the reform is that the task of reducing construction costs is solved not through the use of new information technologies, but in the old forced manner.

Vladimir GURVICH

The planned cost of performing any work is included in the estimates. Incorrectly composed from a legal point of view, the document will not be accepted for consideration. If economic errors are made, the actual cost of the object will differ greatly from the calculated one. What methods are used to calculate the cost of work?

A little history

In 2008, the government of the Russian Federation approved the requirements for the preparation of project documentation. Then resource and budgeting were legalized. Later, other expenses were developed and implemented. Let's look at them in more detail.

Basic method

It provides for the use of norms (FER, TER) for forecast prices taking into account indices. Cost reduction is carried out by multiplying expense items by the corresponding index (price). The basic method determines the current cost of work.

Prices can be multiplied by:

  • The estimate as a whole. This method is used to determine one type of work.
  • For each expense item. If the estimate consists of several stages (repair, installation, etc.), then a separate index is applied to each type of work.
  • To the elements of direct costs. The tariff is applied to each item of the price. The results obtained are then summed up to determine the total cost estimate.

Estimate = (salary x tariff + operation of machines x tariff + materials x tariff) x volume of work.

This methodology makes it possible to approximately calculate average construction prices for the region, since the cost of resources is determined based on the results of a monthly calculation of weighted average prices carried out by the Center for Construction at the regional level. This technique allows investors to focus on reasonable expenses.

Other methods

The resource method of budgeting involves the calculation of resources at current prices and tariffs. The calculation is based on the need for materials, costs of delivery and installation of equipment.

Resource index estimating method is used in construction. It is a combination of the resource method and an index system. It was developed in the early 90s of the last century for the purpose of planning in conditions of inflation. Its advantage is the correct calculation of the cost of work and the ability to use real prices. Due to its high labor intensity, this method is less popular than the basic one.

In the method of strengthened standards, data from previous similar projects is taken as the basis for calculations.

If the compensation method is used, then the price of work calculated in base prices includes additional costs associated with changes in tariffs for resources. These costs are determined during the design and construction process. The customer compensates all actual costs of contractors, provided that they are confirmed. These include:

  • overused materials;
  • low labor productivity;
  • intermediary services.

This method does not allow you to compare prices with optimal (market average). The contractor will benefit from a facility with high material consumption. He will no longer have the desire to use new technology and progressive construction methods.

Resource method of budgeting: description

The calculation is carried out in current prices of cost elements necessary for the implementation of the project. The calculation takes into account the cost of resources, logistics information (distance and methods of delivery of materials), energy consumption, and equipment operating time.

During the calculation process, the following indicators are highlighted:

  • labor intensity of work (person-hours) necessary to determine the amount of remuneration;
  • number of operating hours of equipment;
  • Consumables.

Costing is carried out according to the specifications of products and parts - a statement that indicates the rate of resource use for the manufacture of a unit of product. The resource method of preparing local estimates is based on the actual cost of materials. Despite the high accuracy of calculations, this method is rarely used due to the large amount of time required to carry out the calculation. In addition, it is very difficult to justify the market price for a resource.

The classic resource method of budgeting involves calculating using the following formula:

Cost = labor intensity x cost person/hour + number of machines/hour x cost of machine/hour + number of materials x cost.

Advantages and disadvantages

The issue of estimated pricing in construction has always been taken seriously. Increasing demands from investors, especially government customers, for the quality of documentation and accuracy of calculations have led to the fact that in practice the resource method of budgeting has increasingly begun to be used. Since the current one is used in the calculation process, the main principle of the state pricing policy is fulfilled - the formation of the necessary costs. This method has proven itself to be the most active and flexible. The customer can see the current cost of all types of work. You can always evaluate the impact of certain design decisions.

The resource method of budgeting allows the government customer to:

  • determine the economically justified cost of work;
  • calculate the starting price of a government contract for an auction by placing quotations;
  • quickly find suppliers, developers and contractors who are ready to fulfill the order at the market price.

Resource method of budgeting: example

NameUnit changeNeedCost, rub.
Per unitGeneral
1 Drain1000 m 3 buildings6,27 61,2 383,85
2 Installation of valves1 PC.4 7942,2 31769
3 Pipe laying100 m pipeline0,33 29919 9873,2
4 Steel transitionsPC.4 39,98 155,92
5 Steel bendsset8 44,92 359,36
6 CranesPC.28 186,95 5234,6
7 Balancing valvePC.8 2610 20880
8 Nipple 20 mmPC.8 29,66 237,28
9 ValvePC.10 1859 18590
10 Nipple 15 mmPC10 23,73 237,3
11 Installation of pipes100 pieces.0,54 14449 7802,3
12 15 mm pipePC.38 6,23 236,74
13 Squeegees with a diameter of 15 mmset10 30,68 306,8
Construction works49444
Machines and mechanisms17933
Estimated profit13100

Payroll invoices and estimated profits can be broken down separately for each type of work.

Where can I get the data?

Resource index the costing method, an example of which was presented earlier, is applied at all stages of design. In the process of developing working documentation and the project, the method of strengthened standards is additionally used.

The estimate is compiled according to the following data:

  • list of required materials;
  • list of necessary works;
  • costs of paying for personnel services;
  • cost of equipment operation;
  • standard profit.

The data of the first three points is entered in the process of drawing up project documentation. The remaining cost items are calculated based on fixed and variable costs. Prices for materials include the cost of purchasing from suppliers, as well as logistics services. Resources are determined based on data from the GESN-2001 collections.

As additional sources of information, you can use the local statement (form No. 5). It is used to calculate the need for labor costs (person/hour), time of use of mechanisms (machine/hour), and material consumption (in physical meters). Based on resource prices, the cost of direct costs during the forecast period is calculated.

Price for government orders

The initial price of a government contract for auctions is calculated by the customer based on the approved project documentation. The customer sends the calculated estimate for examination. The inspection organization, based on the estimate and current prices on the date of drawing up the document, verifies the compliance of the calculated cost with current standards. Based on the results of the inspection, a conclusion is issued on the total cost of the object, calculated in base prices and at the time of drawing up the estimate.

Converted to inflation index. Indices are developed by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation by industry. The final decision is documented in the initial price protocol and approved by the customer. The latter can independently calculate the costs of constructing an object using the resource method. If a significant difference is determined between the results of calculations using the resource and index methods, the customer can contact the investor for approval of an individual index.

Based on its name, this method of determining prices involves drawing up estimates based on determining the real cost of the elements included in the estimate.

The cost of work is determined by summing up the cost of materials, the cost of workers' wages and the cost of operating the machines necessary to carry out certain works. However, unlike the previous method of determining the cost of estimates, the calculation is carried out on the basis of real prices for resources (that is, currently in effect).

Despite the accuracy of this method, it is not used as often as others due to the large amount of time it takes to evaluate various works. In addition, it is quite difficult to justify the price of this or that material. Therefore, in budgetary organizations the resource method of determining cost is not often used.

In the classical resource method, the formula for calculating PP is as follows:

PZ = Labor intensity X Cost person/hour + Number of machines/hour X Cost of machine/hour + Number of mats. *Price mat. in prices valid at the time of work

PZ- cost of work (direct costs),

Labor intensity- the number of man-hours required to complete the work,

Cost person/hour- cost of one man-hour,

Number of machines/hour- the number of machine hours required to complete the work,

Cost of machine/hour- cost of one machine hour,

Number of mats.- the amount of material required to complete the work,

Price mat.- price of the material.

Resource-index method.

Used as a combined method for determining the estimated cost. Combines the resource and index methods. For example, in the estimate, the cost of materials can be calculated in current prices (resource method), and workers' wages and other indicators can be calculated using coefficients.


Overhead costs are indirect costs that accompany the main production, but are not directly related to it, and are not included in the cost of labor and materials.

The main document for determining overhead costs is:

MDS 81-33.2004 “Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction”;

MDS 81-34.2004 “Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction carried out in the Far North and localities” equivalent to them for calculating estimates in base prices, and for the current level taking into account the following letters from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation:

1) Letter dated December 6, 2010 No. 41099-КК/08;

2) Letter dated June 21, 2011 No. 3757-КК/08;

3) Letter dated March 17, 2011 No. 6056-IP/08;

4) Letter dated April 29, 2011 No. 10753-VT-11;

5) Letter dated July 28, 2011 No. 20246-AP/08.

Overhead cost standards are established by MDS 81-34.2004 “Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction carried out in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them for calculating estimates in basic prices.”

Each type of work has individual interest rates.

Overhead structure:

I. Administrative expenses;

II. Costs of servicing construction workers;

III. Expenses for organizing work at the construction site;

IV. Other overhead costs.

Overhead costs are determined by the formula:


Types of overhead percentages

1) Integrated overhead cost standards for the main types of construction (industry) (MDS 81-33.2004)

The amount of overhead costs depends on the industry where the work is performed. Moreover, the percentage does not depend on the type of work performed.

For example, if an industrial facility is being built, then the percentage of overhead costs will be 106%, and in housing and civil construction - 112%, for major repairs of residential and public buildings - 95%, etc.

2) Standards for overhead costs by type of work (MDS 81-33.2004)

Each type of work has its own percentage of overhead costs.

For example, for finishing work - 105%, for installation of equipment - 80%, for repair plastering work - 79%, etc.

Estimated profit

For the normal functioning and development of any enterprise, it is necessary to both stimulate the personnel working at it and invest in the development of production capacities. It is for these purposes that the estimated profit is included in the local estimate. Thanks to this, the organization receives funds for further development and self-improvement.

The main document for determining estimated profit in basic prices is:

MDS 81-25.2001 “Guidelines for determining the amount of estimated profit in construction”;

Letter dated November 18, 2004 No. AP-5536/06 “On the procedure for applying estimated profit standards in construction.”

The estimated profit standard takes into account the costs of:

1. Certain federal, regional, local taxes and fees, including: corporate income tax, property tax, corporate and organizational income tax;

2. Expanded reproduction of contracting organizations (modernization of equipment, reconstruction of fixed assets);

3. Material incentives for workers (financial assistance, implementation of health and recreation measures not directly related to the participation of workers in the production process);

4. Organization of assistance and free services to educational institutions.

Estimated profit is determined by the formula:


Types of percentage of estimated profit

1. Industry-wide standards of estimated profit

If construction and installation work is carried out, then the percentage of the estimated profit is 65%, for repair work - 50%

2. Estimated profit standards by type of work

For finishing work - 55%, for installation of equipment - 60%, for repair plastering work - 50%, etc.

Local estimates

Local estimate calculations (estimates) are primary estimate documents and are compiled for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work based on the volumes determined during the development of the detailed design, working documentation (working drawings). Local estimates are also prepared for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work in cases where the scope of work and costs have not been finally determined and are subject to clarification, as a rule, on the basis of working documentation.

Local estimates (estimates) for certain types of construction and installation work, as well as for the cost of equipment, are compiled based on the following data:

Parameters of buildings, structures, their parts and structural elements adopted in design decisions;

Scope of work taken from construction and installation work sheets and determined based on design materials;

Nomenclature and quantity of equipment, furniture and inventory adopted from custom specifications, statements and other design materials;

Current estimated standards and indicators for types of work, structural elements, as well as market and regulated prices and tariffs for industrial and technical products and services.

Local estimates (estimates) are prepared:

a) for buildings and structures:

§ - for construction work;

§ -special construction work;

§ -internal sanitary and technical works;

§ - internal electric lighting;

§ -electric power plants;

§ for the installation and purchase of technological and other types of equipment, instrumentation and automation, low-current devices (communications, alarms, etc.);

Purchase of fixtures, furniture, equipment;

Other jobs;

b) for general site works:

For vertical layout;

Construction of utility networks, paths and roads;


Small architectural forms, etc.

When designing complex buildings and structures, developing technical documentation for construction by several design organizations, as well as when forming the estimated cost for start-up complexes, it is allowed to draw up two or more local estimates (estimates) for the same type of work.

In local estimate calculations (estimates), data is grouped into sections according to individual structural elements of the building (structure), types of work and devices. The grouping order must correspond to the technological sequence of work and take into account the specific features of individual types of construction. Buildings and structures can be divided into an underground part ("zero cycle" work) and an above-ground part.

Local estimate calculation (estimate) may have sections:

For construction work - earthworks; foundations and walls of the underground part;

Walls, frames, ceilings, partitions, floors and bases, coverings and roofs, filling of openings, stairs and platforms, finishing work, various works (porches, blind areas, etc.), etc.;

For special construction work - foundations for equipment; special grounds; channels and pits; lining, lining and insulation; chemical protective coatings, etc.;

For internal sanitary and technical work - water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.;

For equipment installation - purchase and installation of process equipment; process pipelines; metal structures (related to the installation of equipment), etc.

At the cost of certain types of construction, special and related work (work to prepare the site and soil for planting, sowing, purchasing appropriate sowing equipment).

When preparing local estimates, priority is given to enlarged estimate standards and cost indicators.

The cost determined by local estimates (estimates) includes direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit.

Accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit when drawing up local estimates (estimates) without dividing into sections is carried out at the end of the calculation (estimate) after the total of direct costs. When forming by sections - at the end of each section and as a whole according to the estimate (estimate). When forming by type of work, overhead costs and estimated profits are accrued for each type of construction, installation and repair work.

Local estimates (estimates) for certain types of construction and installation work, as well as for the cost of equipment, are drawn up according to MDS 81-35. 2004 (see attachments)

In cases where, in accordance with design decisions, dismantling of structures or demolition of buildings and structures is carried out using structures, materials and products suitable for reuse, the results of local estimates (estimates) for dismantling, demolition (relocation) of buildings and structures are provided as a reference amounts, i.e. amounts that reduce the size of capital investments allocated by the customer. These amounts are not excluded from the total of the local estimate (estimate) and from the volume of work performed. They are shown in a separate line called “Including refundable amounts” and are determined on the basis of the items and quantities received for subsequent use of structures, materials and products, also given after the calculation (estimate). The cost of such structures, materials and products as part of refundable amounts is determined at the price of possible sales minus from these amounts the costs of bringing them into a usable condition and delivering them to storage locations.

If it is impossible to use or sell materials from dismantling or associated production, confirmed by relevant documents, their cost is not taken into account in the refundable amounts.

Structures, materials and products taken into account in refundable amounts should be distinguished from the so-called revolving materials (formwork, fastening, etc.), used in accordance with construction technology several times when performing certain types of work. Their repeated turnover is taken into account in the estimated standards and the prices compiled on their basis for the corresponding structures and types of work.

The cost of equipment, furniture and inventory is included in local estimates (estimates) in accordance with accepted provisions.

The technical basis for drawing up local estimates are lists of types and volumes of work, technical diagrams and descriptions of their production, provided for by the working design (detailed documentation). The determination of the scope of work by type and structural elements is made according to the detailed design drawings, working documentation and other design data or taken from the statements of volumes of the relevant work. The amount of necessary direct costs is also determined on the basis of design decisions about the types, nature and purpose of these costs, taking into account geological, hydrogeological, topographical, soil and climatic conditions.

After determining the scope of work, you should begin drawing up an estimate. The estimate shows the types and volumes of work, calculates the estimated cost, indicating the source of justification for the accepted unit estimate cost. The estimated cost of individual types of work is determined as the product of the volume of work to be performed by their unit estimated price.

When drawing up estimates for the investor and contractor on an alternative basis, the following may be applied: cost determination methods:

1) resource;

2) resource index;

3) base-index;

4) basic compensation;

5) method of using data banks on the cost of constructed or designed analogue objects.

The method for determining the estimated cost is selected depending on the terms of the contract and the general economic situation.

Resource method in market conditions, despite the labor intensity, it takes on priority importance and represents the calculation in current prices and tariffs of resources (cost elements) necessary for the implementation of the design solution. Calculation is carried out on the basis of demand expressed in natural meters.

ity in materials and structures, data on transportation distances and delivery methods to the construction site, energy consumption for technological purposes, operating time of machines and their composition, labor costs of workers. The specified resources are allocated from the design materials, various regulatory and other sources.

Resource index method is a combination of the resource method with a system of indexes for resources used in construction.

Basis-index method based on the use of current forecast indices in relation to the value determined at the base or at the current level of the previous period. Bringing to the level of current prices is carried out by multiplying the base cost along the lines of the estimate and each of the elements of the technological structure of capital investments by the corresponding index for the industry (sub-industry), type of work, followed by summing up the results of the estimate document according to the corresponding columns.

Basic compensation method represents the sum-

estimating the cost calculated at the base level of estimated prices, and determined by calculations of additional costs associated with rising prices and tariffs for consumed resources (material, technical, energy, labor), with clarification of these calculations during the construction process, in depending on changes in prices and tariffs.

Method of using cost data banks previously built

of constructed or designed objects involves the use of cost data for buildings and structures similar to those currently being designed.

When applying the first two methods, the following resource indicators are identified as initial data for determining direct costs in local estimates:

labor intensity of work, man-hours - to establish the wages of construction workers and machinists;

time of use of construction machines, machine-hours; consumption of materials in accepted units of measurement (1m2, 1m3).

To highlight resource indicators, GESN, design materials (as part of projects and working documentation) can be used:

statements of material requirements; data on labor costs of workers and time of use of machines,

given in Sect. “Construction organization” (POS, PPR, PO) /35/.

Chapter 6. Pricing and estimating

To recalculate the base cost into current (forecast) prices, indices can be applied to direct cost items (materials, machine operation, basic salary) for a complex or type of work, to the results of direct costs or the full estimated cost (by type of construction and installation work, as well as by sectors of the national economy).

The cost of construction of the facility in the investor’s estimate documentation is given in the following price levels:

basic, determined on the basis of estimated prices fixed on a specific date (01/01/2000);

current, determined on the basis of estimated prices valid at the time of determining the cost (drawing up estimates);

forecast, determined on the basis of estimated prices, which are forecast for the period when it is planned to make payments for the object.

Usually the price is set by the manufacturer of the product. The designer, customer and contractor are simultaneously involved in pricing. The designer develops estimate documentation, the contractor constructs the facility at an agreed price, the customer, after completion of construction, is obliged to pay for the constructed facility, and the contractor is obliged to transfer it to the customer.